Eli's DNA was taken on October 10th. Rosie's was taken last year on October 9th!
For those of you not familiar with the process in Guatemala, the US requires DNA tests to be administered to all children placed for adoption. The process requires the birthmom to go to a lab and the fostermom brings the baby in and the samples (swabs of saliva) are taken while both bmom (birthmom) and baby are in the same room. A photo is taken of bmom holding the baby and the photo and swabs are sent to an approved US lab to process. The results and a photo are then sent to the US embassy in Guatemala and a DNA map and photo is sent to the adoptive parents. This is only one of the safeguards used to make sure the process is a legitimate one.
So yesterday I got my packet and couldn't wait to open it to see more photos of my cute baby. He is so cute with little black fuzzy hair sticking up and he looks more and more like Rosie every day. I have chosen not to post the photo out of respect for the birthmother. She is such a precious woman to me and I do not want to dishonor her by posting a photo of her as she holds her baby for a few precious seconds. She was very visibly crying and I'm sure extremely sad. But, I have a photo of her and Rosie as well. What a gift to give my children: both of them with their birthmother only one year apart. I will treasure those photos for sure. And, of course it goes without saying they have the same birthmom, so it's extra special to see the resemblance.
So, also included in the packet was the DNA map of both bmom and Eli. So, of course I compared it to Rosie's. Birthmom's DNA is exactly the same on both print outs which came as no surprise. And, Rosie's and Eli's is similar in so many ways.
Any result over a 90% match is considered positive. Rosie's was 99.993% and Eli's was 99.999%
I'll let you all know when we get PA which is the next step in our process!